Link to the workshop materials:

Generative Art NFTs with fx(hash)



SAIC Coding Club, Fall 2023

Date: Wednesday, 11/1/23, 3:30pm-5:30pm (2 hours)

Location: MC400 (AT/SP Flex Space)


Come make some generative art with p5.js, and then share your work on fx(hash), a generative art NFT platform on the affordable AND low-carbon Tezos blockchain!

Generative art refers to algorithmically-created artwork; instead of manually creating every element, generative art relies on rules, randomness, and/or mathematical functions to generate and manipulate images, animations, or other forms of art. In this workshop, we’ll be writing code to create generative visual systems.

Generative systems present a unique challenge: when your system can produce virtually infinite variations, how do you decide which inputs and outputs are meaningful? NFT platforms like fx(hash) provide a way out: the unique transaction hash created at moment you mint your NFT becomes the seed data for your generative output. What does that mean? Find out in the workshop :)

This workshop covers: